Interview with a Bookseller: Rachel

Who are you? What do you do at the store?

I'm Rachel. I'm the marketing manager and regular manager on occasion. I do the social media, website shenanigans, force people to participate in TikToks, handle subscription services, produce the podcast, but usually I’m Amanda & Ellyn's bitch.

What genres do you read?

Memoir, Literary Fiction, Romance, Historical Fiction (but picky), Retellings (definitely a sub genre), Fantasy, Books that give me fun information.

What is your favorite book?

Awful question. My favorites are constantly changing!!! There's so many books so little time. What I will share is my middle school/high school favorite was The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. That book hit me at the right time. There's so many I love. Here's a link to my Goodreads favorites list because I refuse to pick.

What is the book that changed or affected you the most?

A book that truly formed part of who I am was Bloomability by Sharon Creech. This story set me on my path for wanderlust, dream of having an olive tree and knowing that others feel alone or unsure when things become out of their control. This is a story that I still think about often and look forward to sharing with young readers in my life. 

What’s a book that helped you get out of a book slump?

I haven't had many reading slumps. I usually just pick up the next book and move forward. However recently I faced the worst reading slump. It wasn't from the feeling of finishing an amazing book and not wanting to read another one, but instead was caused by how busy my life has been. I reached a point of exhaustion where the last thing I could was pick up a book, listen to a book or even think about characters in a book. The book that has brought me back into my book consuming world was The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren. Absolute perfection that had me laughing and brought me joy. Fizzy the main character is someone everyone should read. 

What’s a book that you read at the exact right time?

Fiona & Jane. It's about friendship, a true friendship and how hard it is sometimes.

Here are a couple of my favorite quotes:

"You're the only person in my life that makes me feel like I exist."

"I still thought of her as my friend, though more and more she was becoming a story to me, one whose plot I couldn't make sense of because either I was missing information or maybe I'd forgotten something from before—something important—and it was too late to ask about it now, because it would mean admitting I hadn't been paying attention."

Are there any books you own several copies of? Why?

The Secret Garden. I wish it didn't include the racism it does though. However there is a great middle-grade graphic novel version which removed the problematic parts and that makes me happy. But one time after too many glasses of wine I went on Ebay and bought what I believed to be a first edition of The Secret Garden. It in fact was not, but it was a really cool old copy.

What is your earliest book memory?

There's a book specifically I remember as a really really small child, and it's one of those puffy plastic books and the feel of that book has always stuck with me. One memory that I have is when I was in first grade. I had read Charlotte's Web and we were asked in the class if we prefer the book to movie. Which yes, a weird question to ask little kids, but I remember distinctly being the only person who raised their hand for the book. There are a bunch of other early book memories I have but that one always makes me giggle.

What is your favorite place to read?

Honestly I will read anywhere. I just like to be comfy.

Show us your bookshelf! How do you organize it? What are the vibes?

Sadly I am without a bookshelf right now. But I would organize it by categories. And some of the categories are book club stacks. I miss my bookshelf 😭 Currently most of my books live in stacks on the floor.

What advice would you give readers? Non-readers?

Read whatever the heck you want. Other peoples reading judgements shouldn't affect your reading choices…unless they're telling you to not pick up racist homophobic trash literature then don't read those. BUT OTHER THAN THAT. Read what you want, and find the books that bring you joy regardless of other people's opinions. People aren't better than other people for what they read. You get to find the stories that fill your cup.

Tell us a controversial book opinion

Deckled edges are trash. Apparently there are people who throw away book sleeves because they like the way naked books look and that freaks me out. But also I find covers as a piece of art, and yes I will judge a book by its cover. But if they like their naked books that's cool, I'll just keep mine warm with their sleeves on.

Why do you read?

Lots of people will say reading is a way for them to escape. Which I agree. But I read because each book is like reading a friend. That sounds lame, but sometimes it really sucks in the best way to turn that last page. I also read because I had a great influence in my mom who is a reader. She made reading such a part of my life, and I'm grateful for that always.

What do you love about bookselling? About our store?

Before I even worked there I visited and knew that Dog-Eared Books felt right. I wish our store had been in Ames when I was in college, but I loved it so much that it was worth it for me to drive almost an hour to work and home just because I needed Dog-Eared Books in my life. It's like a total high that makes you feel giddy and so good when someone walks out with a book you loved. Then slowly have an existential crisis not knowing what they thought of it once they finished. But even that is a fun feeling in a way. I love that the store is all Amanda & Ellyn. They're sharing their space with everyone who walks through the doors.


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